Feature & Follow – Jan. 27

Ah, Friday. How I missed you so. It’s time again for Parajunkie’s and Alison Can Read’s Feature & Follow! Head over to one of their blogs, follow their featured blog, and then add your own blog to the linky list. Then hop along to a few other blogs and follow them too!

If you choose to follow my blog, I have my follow buttons on my sidebar. You can simply add my RSS to any reader you wish, sign up for email updates, or follow me through the Networked blogs widget. Thank you so much! Please make sure you leave a comment so I can follow you in return.

Our prompt for this week is: Which book genre do you avoid at all costs and why?

Romance. Don’t give me that look. I know most YA books have romance in them. You can’t swing a stick without whacking into some teenage hormonal angst in young adult lit. Half the plot is about the girl and boy having the hots for each other. I’m talking about the romance books over in the adult section. Yeah, the ones with the shirtless hunks and swooning women on the covers and bad sex scenes. I can’t stand them.

My mother reads nothing else but romance novels. When I was a teen I figured I’d see what the big fuss was about and read one of her books. Or, I tried to anyway. I was either bored out of my mind or breathless with laugher. Not the reaction the author was probably going for. Gives me the heebeegeebies just thinking about it. Yuck. Now I know why they call them dime-store novels.

About Patricia @ Lady with Books

I'm a 34 year old female. Brown hair. Blue eyes. I spend a great deal of my time surfing the internet and blogging. I enjoy cooking. I make a mean sautéed vegetable dish. I write. I read.

Posted on January 27, 2012, in book meme, Follow Friday and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. New follower by RSS, check out my FF and follow me (if possible by GFC) at:

  2. No nasty looks from me, I’m with you on this one.
    RSS followed you.
    Here’s our #FF post

    Maja @ The Nocturnal Library

  3. I’m with you. I’m surprised so many on ‘blog hop #81’ dislike autobiographies (noting they only tried a few). I’m not saying I leap at memoirs but there are **really** bland or stupid genres out there. That so many “Harlequin Romance” churn out, show they are a gimmick. Not well-thought stories with a specific author’s heart and work put into them.

    I post plenty of articles about what I do enjoy. My latest is right here. 🙂 http://cmriedel.wordpress.com/2012/01/26/phyllis-a-whitney-like-wind/

  4. New follower.. love your back ground.. I totally agree on your genre.. do not like those yucky… romance either.. or the bad language.. looking forward to checking in on you more..

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