Booking Through Thursday – Nov. 17

Of the books you own, what’s the biggest category/genre?

Is this also the category that you actually read the most?

Now, see, that’s an odd question for me. I’ve told you before that I’m cheap when it comes to my reading habits and would much rather get a book from the library than buy it. So, even though I read a lot of one genre, it’s not the genre I own the most books of. Most of the books I own are non-fiction and are reference and study books for my religion, Paganism, and my life practice, witchcraft. But the genre I read the most is fiction, mostly fantasy and young adult.

I get 99% of my fiction books from the library but I buy the books for my religion and life practice. I often need to go back and reference those books and actually owning them is just more practical. Plus, owning them means I can write in them. My non-fiction books get a lot of use. If your witchy books are pristine, than you are not doing something right.

About Patricia @ Lady with Books

I'm a 34 year old female. Brown hair. Blue eyes. I spend a great deal of my time surfing the internet and blogging. I enjoy cooking. I make a mean sautéed vegetable dish. I write. I read.

Posted on November 17, 2011, in book meme and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. The majority of the books that I read as well are from the library as well. Here is my BTT.

  2. It’s the same for me…most of the books that I own are non-fiction or classics…but that is not what I read most often!! I love the library! The cost is negligible…I think about $20 of my real estate taxes…and they even store the books for you! Ingenious!!!

    ♥ Melissa @ Melissa’s Eclectic Bookshelf

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