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Holiday Blogging Challenge Day 7

7dayHolidayChallenge_BUTTONMerry Christmas! We have reached the last day of the holiday blogging challenge hosted by Rachel of Parajunkee. Click to her site and check out the other bloggers who posted.

Our Day 7 prompt is: A Holiday Wish

Big one. I’m going to be cliché and say ‘peace’. But, small peace. World peace is asking a little much, I know. Although I wish for that too. But I really wish for small peace. I wish for peace for my friend who has insomnia and anxiety. I wish for peace for my friend who broke up with her boyfriend. I wish for peace for my other friend who broke up with his boyfriend. (No, that’s not a typo.) I wish for peace for my friend who is the main breadwinner in her household and has a less than stellar husband. I wish you all peace. Peace from your nightmares. Peace from your fear. Peace from your own mind and body.

I wish for peace in my city, where our murder rate is the highest its ever been. I wish for peace for people, who seem to have forgotten that we all live on this planet together. I wish you peace from anger. I wish you peace from sadness. I wish you peace from strife. I wish you peace from hardship. I wish you peace in your soul.

I wish you the small peace that settles in your chest and glows warm.

peaceodoveBe peaceful. Merry Christmas, everyone!

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

Thank you for reading!

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